Random lyrics: Walk Into The Sun, Walk Into the Sun (Remix), Who Stole My Last Piece Of Chicken?, Why, WWIII, You Wont Go Far, (Duplicating) The Obvious, 107, All The Same, Ashamed, Beautiful Disgrace, Blue Monday, Cant Take This, Changing Face, Chasing Sirens, Demo Brain-dead Revolution Sonic, Demo Denied, Demo Duplicating the Obvious, Demo Find Me, Demo Perversion, Denied, Dissension, Dissention, Dissention Remix, Dizzy, Dramatica, Eva, EYES, Eyes-Radio-Lies, Eyes-Radio-Lies, Faces, Fetisha, Fiction, Fiction (Dreams in Digital), Fiend, Find Me (Eva Demo), FRIEND, Gender, Hot Legs, In Your Mind, Inside My Head, Just Like I Remember, Leave Me Out, Make Up Your Mind, My Way With You, Odyssey, Opticon, Pantomime, Pantomine, Perversion (Fetisha Demo),