Random lyrics: ON THE ROAD AGAIN, AGAIN, REMEMBER THE GOOD TIMES, SNEAKY PRIVATE LEE, Cry Holy, Darkness Into Light, Heart of Hearts, Here In The Light, Hide Myself In You, Jonah, Power In Your Hand, Power In Your Hands, Precious, So Not About Me, True, As Long As Theres Christmas, I Know Him So Well, Always You, Beautiful, Between You And Me, Busted, Crush, Get To Me, Just To Have You, Let It Rain, Questions, Sober, Somewhere, Someday, Feel So Far Away, Here With Me, Make Me, Not This Time, Stay the Night, Stranded, Tell Me When, The edge, These Days, Vapor, Always You, Between You and Me, Busted, Crush, Get to Me, Just to Have You, Let It Rain, Questions, Sober, Way of the World, Durmiendo Junto Al Sol Paiko, Kurusu Vera, Piraret,