Random lyrics: Untogether, Vegetable, We Suck Young Blood, What Is That You Say, Where I end and you begin, Wish You Were Here, Wonderwall, Yes I Am, You, You And Whose Army?, You Never Wash Up After Yourself, [nice Dream], Aliens, Cause The Night, Let Me Be, Like An Angel, Ninna Ninna Oh, Touch Me Now, Yeti, A Promise, Apparition Of Purity, Bedtime, Dear Aunt Arctica, Failing And Leaving, Falling And Leaving, Little Pink Stars, My Guitar, Next Time, Simple Sincerity, Still I Wait, Sugar Free, The You In Me, Wasted And Ready, Wasted Ready, Little Pink Stars, Wake Up Boo, A Fine Line, A Real Fine Place to Start, Again, Angry Heart, Closing Time, Disappointing You, Dont Say Goodbye, Easier Said Than Done, Everday Angel, Everyday Angel, God Knows When, Godspeed (Sweet Dreams), Hammer and Nails, Im In,