Random lyrics: I Can Remember, I Dont Know What I Want, I Reach For The Light, I Saw The Light, I Wanna Be With You, Im A Rocker, If You Change Your Mind, If You Change Youre Mind, Im A Rocker, It Seemed So Easy, Last Dance, Lets Pretend, Lets Pretend, Makin It Easy, Making It Easy, Might As Well, Money Down, Nobody Knows, On The Beach, Overnight Sensation Hit Record, Partys Over, Partys Over, Play On, Rose Coloured Glasses, Should I Wait, Starting Over, Tonight, Waiting, With You In My Life, A Quitter, All Tomorrows Parties, Antique High Heel Red Doll Shoes, AntiqueHighHeelRedDollShoes, Any Old Actress, Bad Moon Rising, Brand New Key, Call Me Alice (life 101), Clipped, Cooped, CrossWalk, Cry Babies, Crybabies, Diamond Mind, DiamondMind, Dig Ophelia, Dollhouse, Doomsday Averted, DwarfStar, Endomorph, Fire Ice,