Random lyrics: Savatage Not What You See, Savatage-Believe, Savatage-Not What You See, Scream Murder, Shes In Love, Shes In Love, Shotgun Innocence, Sirens, Skraggys Tomb, Skull Session, Sleep, Somewhere In Time, St. Patricks, Stare into the Sun, Starlight, Stay, Stay with Me a While, Strange Reality, Strange Wings, Streets, Stuck On You, Summers Rain, Surrender, Symmetry, Taunting Cobras, The Dungeons Are Calling, The Edge Of Midnight, The Hourglass, The Message, The Price You Pay, Rumor, The, The Unholy, The Wake Of Magellan, The Whip, There in the Silence, This Is The Time, This Is the Time (1990), This Isnt What We Meant, Thorazine Shuffle, Tonight He Grains Again, Tonight He Grins Again, Turns To Me, Twisted Little Sister, Underture, Unusual, Visions, Warriors, Washed Out, Watching You Fall, Welcome,