Random lyrics: No Sense in Lovin, Nothing, Outdone, Postcard, Punch Drunk, Satan, Your Kingdom Must Come Down, Sauget Wind, Screen Door, Shaky Ground, Sin City, Slate, So Called Friend, Steal the Crumbs, Still Be Around, That Year, The Long Cut, Train, True To Life, Wait Up, Warfare, Watch Me Fall, Weve Been Had, Whiskey Bottle, Wipe the Clock, Computer Love, A Life of Our Own, Elected, Elected (alice Cooper), Eve of Destruction, Evening of Desire, Gimme Your Autograph, Hollywood Boulevard, I Dont Want to Go, I Want You Dead, In Eighty Four, Invisible Man, Invisible Man (steele), Lies, Misfit, My Kinda Town, Never Say Die, Nightmare, No Vices, Put Your Clothes Back On, Ratt Fink, Social Reason, The Way We Behave, Undead, Verbal Abuse, We Dont Want the Poor in New York City,