Song Lyrics Urban Species - Blanket    [Lyrics & Song Text Archive]
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Author/Artist/Singer: Urban Species
Music Title/Track: Blanket
Theme ID: 6586
Album: N/A

Music is my sanctuary
Music is my blanket

Emotionless the city lies
Cruel it is, it clouds my eyes
The dull the dark shades on my day
I live inside this place

Locked up inside my metal cage
Always tense and filled with rage
Above the concrete fields below
With you i wanna go, wanna go

Music is my sanctuary
Music is my blanket

I see only what i wanna see
I'll be only what i wanna be
My blanket covers me, yes

"Yeah, check it
Now as a yout man I was body poppin breakin on the lino
Traded in my lino for a pad and a biro
Used to stand in line just so as I could sign my giro
But now my ends meet in the best way that I know
(Hat, snare, kick) and the beats that go boom
See the music I consume to escape the doom and gloom
All the beats and melodies keep realities at bay
But what happens when the records done and starts to fade away"

Alone within myself again
I try to veil away my pain
The dirty grey surrounding me 'round
And now I hear no sound...

"I feel like Melle Mel from way back in the days
As i wonder how i keep from going under
I got trouble on my mind like my name is chuck d
And like marvin gaye it makes me wanna holler
When the music hits me I feel no pain
That's why i gotta put you on again and again
I take the needle off the technics and put it in my vein
All my troubles get crushed as the rush hits my brain
And away goes trouble down the drain"

I see only what I wanna see
I be only who I wanna be
My blanket covers me
Music is my sanctuary
Music is my blanket
I see only what I wanna see
I be only who I wanna be
My blanket covers me
Music is my sanctuary
Music is my blanket
You are my living world
You are my living world
You are you are you are my
My only living world....

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