Random lyrics: Four Cornered Lives, On Love And Cars, Paint It Red, Ride Out Bitch, Set It To Blow, Shot In The Back, Switched On, At The Parallel, Bold & Untrue, Brave Jane, Dont Break My Heart, Dont Cry for Louie, Far Gone Now, Far Gone Now (3:08), Far Gone Now 308, Farewell Song, For You, Forever Blue, Heading for a Fall, I Dont Want to Know, I Dont Want To Know (3:35), I Dont Want To Know 335, I Sold My Soul, Johnny, Johnny Tu Nes Pas Un Ange, Just a Friend of Mine, Lay Your Hands, Lay Your Hands Off My Man, Listen, Lonely feeling, Lord Help Me Please, Lulus Song, Lulus Song, Mothers and Daughters, Muddy Waters, Nah Nah Nah, Nah Neh Nah (2:52), Nah Neh Nah 252, Night Owls, Night Owls (3:56), Night Owls 356, One Silver Dollar, Pack Your Memories, Pack Your Memories (3:04), Pack Your Memories 304, Philadelphia, Puerto Rico, Quand Elle Rit aux Eclats, Quand Elle Rit Aux Eclats (3:46), Quand Elle Rit Aux Eclats 346,