Random lyrics: Fishermans Daughter, FleshAndBlood, Fourth Floor, Gillan, Here If You Want, Highway One, I Believe, Intimate, Jealousy, Lest We Forget, Lies, Lighthouse, London Still., Love Serenade, Nothing New, Service Fee, Shelter Me, Shiney Apple, Since Ive Been Around, Sink Or Swim, Spotlight, Sunflower Man, Sweetness, Take It In, Taken, The Haircut, The Rive, The Waitress, Waif Song, When I Die, Without You, A Brief History..., Danger, Lies, Love Serenade, Service Fee, Sink Or Swim, Taken, The Haircut, The Waitress, When I Die, Gillian, Billy Jones, Brain Damage, Bridal Train, Crazy Train, Fishermans Daughter, Flesh And Blood, Here If You Want, Highway One,