Random lyrics: Frisco Depot, G.I. Joe, Games People Play, Gemini Song, Gentle on My Mind, Georgia, Get Naked With Me, Girl I Can Tell (Youre Trying To Work It Out), Gone to Denver, Gonna Write a Letter, Good Hearted Woman, Good Morning, John, Good Ol Boys, Good Ol Boys (Theme from the Dukes of Hazzard), Good Ol Nights, Good Ol Boys, Good Time Charlies Got the Blues, Good Time Charlies, Good Timing Man, Grapes On The Vine, Green River, Grey Eyes You Know, Guitars That Wont Stay in Tune, Hangin On, Hank Williams Syndrome, He Went to Paris, Heartaches by the Number, Heartaches for a Dime, Heartaches Older Than You, Heartarche Olders, Heaven Or Hell, Her Man, Heroes, Hey Willie, High Time (You Quit Your Low Down Ways), High Time (You Quit Your Lowdown Ways), Hittin The Bottle Again, Homeward Bound, Honky Tonk Blues, Honky Tonk Heroes, Honky Tonk Heroes (Like Me), Honky Tonk Women, House Of The Rising Sun, How Long Have You Been There, How Much Rain Can One Man Stand, Hunger, I Aint Living Long Like This, I Aint Living, I Can Get Off, I Can Get Off on You,