Random lyrics: Opus In CM7, Priestess, Propagators, Ready To Rock, The Day Of The Humans Is Gone, Thief In The Night, Gobbledygook, Half Blind, Half Pie, I Feel Lovely, I Want You And I Want Your Friend, Pulling My Fingers Off, Removal, Somethings Wrong Somewhere, Somethings Wrong Somewhere, Soon Is Fine, Suckling, The Suns Going To Shine For Me Soon, The Suns Going to Shine for Me Soon, Gump, Das Muss Kesseln, Gammeln Aufm Strand, Jetzt Geht Das Los, Kolbenfresser, Komasong, Nobel SchrDer, Nobel Schroumlder, RHrich SanitR, Schrauben Drehn, Muddern Drehn, Total Egal, Sommer Hinter Glas, Trostpflastersteine, Blue Lights In My eyes, GEORGIE, ILL BE YOUR WOMAN, IF YOU EVER COME TO AMSTERDAM, MY BROKEN SOUVENIRS, RAIN, SMILE, TEENAGE QUEENIE, WET DAY IN SEPTEMBER, ALANE, Alanne, I Believe, Life Is Precious, Move to the Moon, Optional Thing, But I Cant Make a Man, 2 x 4, Birdman Kicked My Ass,